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Max is always around

I asked it how long I had to live 

We all asked it a question that only the person asking would know the answer too

It would answer the questions

One question that somebody asked was "what was the name of the boat i went on a cruise on when i was 6?" it answered

We played with this thing forever, we had coldspot experiences and would place a candle where the coldspot was and the candle would burn sideways not straight up and down

One night we all aksed it how long we had left to live and this is where it gets scary

Everybody asked and they had 50-60+ years left

I go to ask and it says 10

I ask 10 years and it says days

I pretty much shit a brick at this point

It said i was gonna be killed in a car accident by a girl named emma

We would ask it 3 days later and it would say I had 7 days left

Ask it 2 days later it said I would have 5 days left and so on

Im freaking out at this point, carrying a bible in my pocket and wearing a big cross

I finally tell my dad and he doesnt believe me so I made one out of a piece of paper and used a cd to show him

It worked and he flipped out and told me that I didnt have to go to school the day I was supposed to die

I didn't go to school and nothing happened

It's Just a Hobby 

Cindy was only thirteen

She was the middle child within a large, devoutly Christian family

She had three older sisters, a younger sister and a younger brother

At some point during the eighth grade, a friend let her borrow a Ouija board one weekend, and that weekend Cindy and her older sisters played with the board

They did so in secret, late at night, because they knew how strongly their parents would disapprove

That weekend, the mysterious talking board mesmerized Cindy

Cindy became obsessed with it

She could think of nothing else and soon had a list of questions that she wanted to ask the board

Cindy had an hour every day after school where she was alone in the house before her older sisters returned from high school

So Monday afternoon right after getting home from school, she cautiously crept up to her room, set up the Ouija board on her bed and gently laid her fingertips on top of the pointer

After just ten minutes of sitting quietly, the planchette started to jerk softly across the board

It spelled out, "H-I"

Cindy's breath caught in her throat

"Hi," she answered

"Who are you?" "J-A-K-E" A shock ran through Cindy

Jake was a friend of hers who had died in a car accident in the fourth grade

Can't Hide Secrets from Ouija 

One summer, three middle school boys discovered a Ouija board in a trash bin outside a local apartment building

Tom, the oldest, was terribly cruel to the younger boy, Josh

He would often punch Josh jokingly in the arm, but so hard that it would bruise

Other times he would call Josh stupid or a "retard"

The third boy, Chris, would avoid the abuse by remaining silent

Secretly Chris and Josh disliked Tom's behavior, but they tolerated it because they had no other friends

That summer, the three boys took the discovered Ouija board to Tom's house where he was alone most of the time anyway

His father was always working, and his mom had passed away years earlier

As the three boys sat in the middle of the living room with their hands on the planchette, they became bored after twenty minutes of waiting

When they were just about to give up, the planchette budged

Finally it spelled out "G-E-T A-W-A-Y"

"Get away? I live here," Tom barked

The planchette started moving more briskly in a figure eight


"That's weird

I wonder what it means?" Chris said, glancing at Tom and Josh

He looked back at the board

"Where should we go?" Chris asked

"I-T H-U-R-T-S


"This is stupid," Tom said

He looked at Josh and Chris, "You guys are doing this

let's test it

Josh, let go" Josh removed his hands from the planchette

"Now ask it a question that only you will know," Tom ordered

Josh immediately asked, "Who's the person who keeps hitting me?" Tom gave Josh a nasty glare, but the planchette was already moving quickly

"A-S-K T-O-M," it answered

"This is stupid," Tom said

"D-A-D," the board spelled

"Huh?" Chris said, staring at the board

"I think this question is for Tom

" He glanced up at Josh and they exchanged confused expressions

"D-A-D," it spelled again

Tom's breathing started to race, his face turned red and sweat formed on his brow

"D-A-D," it spelled a third time

Tom jumped up and ran from the room crying

It was the first time Josh and Chris had ever seen or heard Tom cry

They only learned a few days later that Tom's father routinely abused him

Somehow, the Ouija board knew Tom's innermost secret

Haunted Apartment 

I am an avid Ouija user, I have played it since I was 13 (am now 21)

I have has my fair share of scares when using the board, simple things like my hair being pulled, lights going off etc

My recent experience I had made me realize that Ouija is truly a game for the brave hearted

I live in an old apartment built in 1900

After the first week of me living here weird things would occur

My dog would bark furiously at moments, but there would be no danger around

My friends stopped coming over, because they felt scared and as if someone were watching them

I decided to do a session in my apartment to hopefully pin point these weird occurrences

I lit my room with candles, burnt sage to cleanse the room saying a prayer while doing so to keep bad spirits away

Here is the conversation that took place: Me: Are there any good spirits who would like to communicate?

- I waited for about 30mins before the pointer began to move

It: No

Me: You do not wish to speak to me?


Me: Are you a good spirit?

-Ten minutes of nothing

It: Yes

Me:Are you the spirit that lingers in my home?


Me: Where did you come from

It: (spells out) Wander

Me:What is your name? It: Moves to 1 then 0 then 1

Me: Is this your age, are you 101 years old?v It: No

Me: This is your name?

It: Yes

-Meanwhile my dog is resting on the end of the bed with me

Me: How old are you?

It: No

Me: You do not know how old you are?

It: No

Me: Do you know the spirit that lingers in my home?

It: Yes

Me: What is its name?

It: (quickly moves to) D

Me: Who is D?

It: Moves quickly to "Goodbye"

I tried to ask it to continue to communicate but there was no response after an hour of attempting so I slide to Goodbye to end the session, I blessed the room again and put my board up

I was falling fast asleep when fear woke me up

The sound of a loud banging/knocking coming from my room door, woke me and my dog up

In my head in thinking it is an intruder, the banging was so loud I thought it could be the police

My dog ran at the door and for in his attack stance, growling and waiting for me to open the door

I grabbed my bat out the closet so scared to see what was behind the door

I quickly swung the door open, no one was there

My dog began barking hard and somewhat jumping at the doorway but I could see nothing to cause him to feel so aggressive

I searched the living room, kitchen, bathroom, pantry and closets to find no one or nothing

My windows were closed and it was the summertime so there was no breeze to have suggested wind gust

I went back to my room closed my door and locked it

I finally fell asleep, my dog still standing by the door waiting

It was no more than an hour later when that same banging at my room door happened again

With more bravery I ran at the door and swung it open, still no one was there

It was so frightening to go back to sleep, I stood up the rest of the night and my dog continued to stand at the door growling here and there

I have since broke my lease after 3 weeks of the banging that has occurred every night since my session

I now live in a new place and my dog has not been acting with extreme aggression like he was at my old place

If you have any ideas why the banging occurred please inform me as I am to scared to play with my board

Ouija Board In The Cemetery 

Me and my friend are quite spiritual and both have relations that have encountered ghosts

Me and my friend were skeptic, but at the same time wanted to have an encounter of our own

Eventually we came along the lines of Ouija, and our families had said to us that Ouija should never be played with, nevertheless we both wanted to play, we decided that we would play the Ouija in the graveyard at 3pm, before it got dark, on Friday, when there was a full moon

So I made the board with proper wood and a planchete, my friend brought a carpet and a few candles

We sat in the corner of the graveyard so we were out of the way a bit

We started by asking if anyone was there and we got no answer we kept asking and saying that we would try and help lost spirits, we did this for about 30 minutes

We gave up and thought that Ouija boards were just a game

Then we both jumped up for no reason

It started to reason so we packed everything up and blew out the candles, rolled up the mat

By the time we finished the rain had stopped my friend went to light a candle (she likes fire) went she dropped it

It caught fire on the ground and we put it out, but there was still a lot of smoke so we couldn't see clearly, as I looked up I saw someone, thinking' it was the police or something I got scared and told my friend

She jumped

The snow swirled and blew toward us as my friend fell on the floor

We got up and left

We both thought it was just a coincidence

As we walked home we kept feeling someone was following us

This may have just been us being scared when I got home I put my Ouija board at the end of the bed, just under the duvet

When I came back in my room my mirror was steamed and my Ouija board was on the floor, my duvet was taken off

I told my friend this on Monday and she said that she had got this bruise on her arm, but she couldn't remember how, she also said she woke up thinking

That she was drowning at 2 am

Yesterday I promised I wouldn't bother any spirit again and I'm sorry

And nothing happened to me but my friend still feels like she was being followed

No face


So since I was raised a Christian and Catholic, I've never been much into the paranormal stuff

But after a priest told me something about my soul some years ago, I wanted to know more about this subject

When I was younger my mother took me to a priest and he told me that I was special because my soul was different from those of other people

He didn't explain and that stick to my mind

So I decided to try the Ouija Board, since people said it was a way of getting answers

This is how my session went: Me: Are there any spirits here that wish to make contact?

Nohing happened for a second and then the planchette moved to "No"

Me: So you don't want to talk to me?

It went to "No" one more time, I asked why and it spelled out "Danger"

I wasn't scared or nervous, just curious, so I continued

"Am I in danger?" 

It said "No"

"Are you in danger?"



It started to say gibberish and do figure eight's and I knew this was bad, so I ordered it to stop and it did almost immediately

"Why are you in danger?" 


"Are you a demon?" 


At this point I was a bit scared because I didn't know how to deal with a demon

"Then why are you in danger?" I tried one more time, already prepared to say goodbye

"Tibi" I searched and found out it's Latin for "You"

I asked it if it was because of me

It said "Yes"

That's when the weird part came

"Do you know why I'm different?" 


"Can you spell it?" 

It stopped moving for about 5 seconds, then it spelled "Angelus" and went to "Goodbye"

I searched again and found out that "angelus" means literally "angel" in Latin

I don't know if this is what the demon meant but if there is any chance it was correct, does it mean I'm an angel? I don't want to play the Ouija Board again but I am left with more questions then ever

WT Is Chasing My Friend 

Since some while ago, I've been dying to use a Ouija Board

I searched how to play it and all the rules and last Tuesday me and my friend decided to make our own

After it, we tried to play

She let me be the medium and I started it with various ways, none of them worked

Then I remembered that Ouija movie and tried to say the way the did, and it finally worked

We got a bad spirit named W

T, since we were afraid, we stopped

Today we played again and got him again, then we found out that he is following my friend all the time

We asked why and he said C-R-E-I-S-T she asked if it was because she didn't believe in God and it said YES

I asked if he wanted to say something else and he spelled U-H-X-V-T-G-S-R I said I would search but couldn't find anything

Before that we had got two bad spirits, one of them was really polite and the other we said goodbye immediately, and a demon, - which I commanded to leave and said goodbye

Does anyone know what WT spelled means? Could be of great help

My Friend Wants Me 

My friends want me to play with the Ouija board but I don't like the idea of trying to talk to demons or a spirit

I told my mom about what they wanted to do on Halloween and she said No, my grandma (her mom) played with it when she was little and had a bad experience

I wanted to know what happened so I called my grandma the next night and she said her grandmother had a Ouija board and her and her little brothers and sisters decided to play with it

They contacted a spirit or demon and my grandma wanted to scare them so she said "If the Ouija board is real I want the devil to possess me

" At first she was just joking and playing around to scare them

She started shaking and then she couldn't stop

Something was making her shake and she started to cry and so did her sibling

She kept telling her self she was sorry she wanted to make it stop and she would never saying anything that stupid again and finally it stopped

She went and talk to her grandmother about what happened and her grandmother wasn't very happy

She told her she knew something like that was going to happen so she took away and hid the Ouija board and told her to never play with one again

My grandma says prayers every night before she goes to bed she is still mad at herself till that day she has never played with a Ouija board again

I don't know if you found that very scary but it freaked me out never will I play with one

Ouija G Was Actually Zozo 

So my friend had been talking to someone on the board called "g". I didn't believe it was real so I tried it on a paper board and it kept spelling "rape you kill you". We thought it was funny so we continued to do the board and once I was doing it by myself and it spelled "fire" and I went in the kitchen and a pan was on fire. I stopped talking to it after that but my friend continued to talk to it on her board and it adventually said that "g" was fake and it was zozo. We now both feel things touch us and the other day my chair moved across the room, and random wet spots keep appearing on both of our beds. This has been going on for about a month and I dont know what to do to get rid of it. 

The Prince Of Hell 

It was November

I was at my grandmother's house

Back then, I LOVED the Paranormal

I was obsessed with it

I first heard about Ouija boards from the new movie Ouija

It peaked my interest

So I made a homemade Ouija board

Here's how my session went:

Me: Is there anyone here with me?

Board: YES

Me: What is your name?


Me: Are you good?

Board: YES

Me: WIll you hurt me?

Board: YES

Me: Goodbye

I closed the session and looked up who this BELPHEGOR is

It turns out Belphegor was a demon and a price of hell

Well there's my story
